No stone is left unturned – the diverse approach of EU-MACS
The EU-MACS project aims to identify constraints and enablers in the market for climate services so as to clarify and illustrate how the supply of and demand for climate services can be optimally matched, while accounting for differentiation in climate service products and their production, as well in the user needs and capabilities regarding climate services. To this end the project will:
- Analyze the generation, deployment and use of climate services, in terms of scientific and technical drivers, as well as of policy frameworks, ethical implications and economic provision modes
- Recognize the most significant scientific, technical, legal and socioeconomic market barriers in Europe.
- Assess the extent to which demand for specific climate services of potential users remained unsatisfied (i.e. cases without matches and with poor matches) and the extent to which potential users are deterred from using climate services due to lack of capacities, lack of access, difficulties in anticipating new possible uses, and other shortcomings
- Support coherence and prevention of duplicate work and generate synergy by collaborating with parallel conducted studies in the MARCO project
- Suggest alternative ways for more accurate and easier matching of climate services offer and demand, which together cover a differentiated climate service market and keep transaction costs low
- Improve the understanding of the possible foundations of climate service markets by integrating a quantitative willingness-to-pay analysis into the market development work.
- Develop mechanisms that ensure good market access for innovations in climate services content and deployment, as well as mechanisms that feed user needs back into the innovation process
- Identify policies and measures aimed at enhancing market development and stimulating the use of the proposed matching mechanisms, appropriate viable business models, and climate service innovations meaningful for the (end)users
- Develop and test the aforementioned alternative matching approaches and innovation promotion mechanisms in a collaborative market development setting by means of suitable procedures and facilities with close involvement of end-user and other stakeholder representatives, while assessing feasible approaches for quality assurance and broad acceptance of ethical principles of climate services
- Elaborate best practices and recommendations for policy-makers, climate service providers, climate service users, scientists, and other stakeholders with respect to regulation (e.g., supportive frameworks), investments (including provision modes), education & training, cooperation, and awareness raising so as to get the proposed and similar matching and innovation promotion approaches realized
Disseminate and promote the matching and innovation promotion approaches among relevant communities in Europe and beyond, inter alia in cooperation with existing bodies aimed at cooperation and dissemination in the climate services field (such as Climate Service Partnership, Global Facility for Climate Services, …..)