EU-MACS Coordinator: Prof. Adriaan Perrels, [email protected]

Can block chains have a role in climate data quality management? | 16.5.2018 @webinar by EU-MACS

May 07, 2018 09:45
Can block chains have a role in climate data quality management? | 16.5.2018 @webinar by EU-MACS

EU-MACS Webinar 16 May at 2.30 pm CET

Title: Can block chains have a role in climate data quality management?

Link to the webinar page at CMCC:

Presenter: Tommi A. Vuorenmaa, Founder and CEO of Rayleigh Research, Helsinki, Finland

Carlo Buontempo, Sectoral information system manager at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Reading, UK
Jesse M. Keenan, Member of the faculty, Area Head and Director of Real Estate and the Built Environment at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.

Moderator: Sandro Fiore, Fondazione CMCC – Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (Divisione ASC)

For national and international climate data services it is quite a challenge to generate transparent complete and nevertheless compact information on the quality of datasets and their suitable application domains. Next to statistical properties of the dataset and its variables as such, the tractability of the data generation process is important. In many cases it is impossible that uncertainty indicators compound the cumulated effects of the data (re)processing, hence the importance of sufficient clarification of the data generation process. In the EU-MACS (European Market for Climate Services) project was clarified that insufficient quality management or insufficient communication about the quality can substantially reduce the use of data services and may also mean that users resort to simpler lower quality data.

Blockchains technology could be of help in the management of tractability of data generation pathways. Essentially, blockchains enable the provision of watertight evidence on how the current condition of an informational product has been generated via all previous transaction (processing) steps. To this end blockchains need support from protocols that certify the reported state of the information in a designated transaction step. In other words, the applicability of blockchain technology depends to a large extent on the ability to describe unambiguously and consistently underlying processes on the basis of shared principles and standards.

The webinar’s main presenter Tommi Vuorenmaa will first clarify the properties and prerequisites of blockchain technology, and provide some thoughts on the application in the field of climate data services. Subsequently, the discussants Carlo Buontempo and Jesse Keenan will provide some first comments, after which others in the audience can submit questions.

2.30 pm – Welcome and intro, Sandro Fiore – CMCC (ASC division)
2.35 pm – Presenter’s talk, Tommi A. Vuorenmaa – Founder and CEO of Rayleigh Research
3.00 pm – Discussion with Carlo Buontempo – European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
3.05 pm –  Discussion with Jesse M. Keenan – Graduate School of Design at Harvard University
3.10 pm – Q&A from the web (moderated by Sandro Fiore)
3.20 pm – Conclusions

The Webinar will be broadcasted via Go-to-Webinar.
Please, click on the following link for registration:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Working Language: English

Tommi A. Vuorenmaa PhD, is the Founder and CEO of Rayleigh Research [], a company based in Helsinki, Finland, working on a new kind of high-frequency trading algorithm development platform to be launched in 2018. He is also involved in cryptocurrencies and supply chain side applications of blockchain technology via Aekraes Kodex.
Before diving in the start-up world, Tommi co-led the automated trading company Valo Research and Trading. In the academic side, Tommi worked at the University of Helsinki and studied econometrics at University of California (San Diego), Princeton University, and Stanford University. Tommi completed his PhD degree in 2008 in financial econometrics with the award-winning thesis “Elements of Volatility at High-Frequency.” He has henceforth been a frequent conference speaker on HFT and blockchain applications and is the author of several HFT related articles. Tommi now writes thought provoking blog posts on HFT, cryptocurrencies, big data, and blockchain at [] and [].


Carlo Buontempo, PhD works as sectoral information system manager at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Reading (UK). He coordinates the activities of a number of international contracts, notably COPERNICUS C3S, working on the interface between climate science and decision making in sectors ranging from energy to city planning. Carlo completed a PhD in physics at University of L’Aquila in 2004 then he moved to Canada for his post-doc before joining the Met Office. Carlo worked at the Hadley Centre for almost a decade were he led the climate adaptation team and more recently the climate service development team. In this role he led numerous projects involving climate change adaptation and regional modelling in Europe, Africa, Asia and North America. In 2012 Carlo became the scientific coordinator of EUPORIAS, and project funded by the European Commission through the 7th framework programme.

Prof. dr. Jesse M. Keenan is a member of the faculty of the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University where he serves as Area Head and Director of Real Estate and the Built Environment. Keenan’s principle research focus is on climate change and the built environment, including aspects of design, engineering, and financing. Keenan’s research in the built environment has partnered with a variety of global actors, including the AIA, Audi, Carnegie Corporation, Goldman Sachs, Google, Hulic Co., Ltd., ICC, MoMA, Mori Foundation, Lennar Foundation, NASA, National Security Council, Open Society Foundation, Regional Plan Association, Rockefeller Foundation, the State of California, the White House and the U.N. Keenan is the author of NYC 2040: Housing the Next One Million New Yorkers (Columbia University Press) and co-editor of Blue Dunes: Climate Change by Design (Columbia University Press) and Climate Change Adaptation in North America: Experiences, Case Studies and Best Practices (Springer).

Organized by

  • CMCC – Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
  • EU-MACS project
  • CLIMATE EUROPE project

