EU-MACS Coordinator: Prof. Adriaan Perrels, [email protected]

European Forum for DRR | 26.-28.3.2017 Istanbul, Turkey

Feb 09, 2017 11:25
European Forum for DRR | 26.-28.3.2017 Istanbul, Turkey


The Sendai Framework recognises that the Global and Regional Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction have a key role in its implementation,   building on the pivotal role that they have played in supporting the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action. The Sendai Framework also underscores the need for the Global Platform and Regional Platforms to function as a coherent system of mechanisms in order to fully leverage the potential of collaboration and exchange across stakeholders of all sectors, and thus provide guidance and support in implementation.

Europe’s regional platform is overseen by the European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (EFDRR) members, which includes National Focal Points for Disaster Risk Reduction and representatives of National Platforms in the European region, UNISDR Europe, Council of Europe (EUR-OPA), European Commission, and sub-regional organizations/institutions. UNISDR Europe, Council of Europe (EUR-OPA), and European Commission are building the EFDRR secretariat. The EFDRR regional multi-stakeholder platform is called European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction Open Forum (EFDRR Open Forum).

The 2017 EFDRR Open Forum will be hosted by the Government of Turkey from 26-28 March 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey. As a requirement of the Sendai Framework, one of the intended outcomes of the 2017 EFDRR Open Forum in Turkey will be to prepare to share experiences, lessons learnt, and gap analyses for the 2017 Global Platform (22-26 May 2017, Cancun, Mexico).The 2017 EFDRR Open Forum will be a unique opportunity to shape the implementation and monitoring of the Sendai Framework in Europe.

The objectives of the 2017 EFDRR Open Forum are as follows:

Transforming the commitment of governments and stakeholders made in Sendai during the WCDRR into national and local action.
Setting the direction to accelerate regional implementation and monitoring of the Sendai Framework.

The expected outcome of the forum will be:

An outcome document – consolidating the outcomes of the 2017 EFDRR Open Forum towards preventing and reducing risk as well as strengthening resilience by accelerating implementation and monitoring of the Sendai Framework in Europe region.
Turkish laureate of the Damir Čemerin Award for Local Change.
The outcomes of the 2017 EFDRR Open Forum will contribute directly to the 2017 Global Platform discussions.
Click here for more details on the conference.

Click here for more information on the EFDRR:

