Esko Kivisaari
Acting Managing Director
Market research for a Climate Services Observatory
Go to marco websiteInsurance Europe appeals to European legislators to make responsible investing easier. At the moment, investors’ willingness exceeds the available sustainable investment vehicles. Strict solvency requirements are also one element hindering the creation of new sustainable investments.
“Of the Finnish institutional investors, employee pension insurers have made most progress in this regard. Their corporate social responsibility reports have been very encouraging to read. They are sending a signal that for investors, fighting climate change means actions and not just words for investors,” praises Esko Kivisaari, Acting Managing Director of Finance Finland.
Climate change is a key concern for life and non-life insurance companies as well. Finnish companies share the concern of other European insurers that the Solvency II framework can be too restrictive for long-term investments and other long-term business.
“It is right that the Solvency II framework is based on risks, but the risks have to be comprehended correctly”, Kivisaari continues.
Acting Managing Director