EU-MACS Coordinator: Prof. Adriaan Perrels, [email protected]
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The innovatrix is a process-structuring innovation management framework. It makes explicit the current knowledge on which the innovation is based and identifies key knowledge deficits in the form of assumptions that need to be tested.
Based on extensive experience with Living Lab-projects, the framework was built on the following eight innovation-relevant criteria:

Customer Segment, Needs, Current Practices, Value Proposition, Solution, Barriers, Value Capture and Key Partners.

At the start of an innovation project, during a kick-off workshop, each of the criteria of the framework is ‘filled’ with relevant input from the innovator. This input is initially gathered through probing questions in which the facilitator of the innovatrix workshop plays an important role.

This input is then awarded one of the following statuses, based on the nature and strength of the input:
– Assumption (the input is assumed)
– Validated (the input is validated by research)
– Invalidated (the input is invalidated by research)
– New insights and unknown (no input is given).
Depending on the assumption status, the input is mapped on different-coloured post-its: yellow (assumptions), green (validated assumption), red (invalidated) and blue (new insights).

In the initial Innovatrix kick-off workshop, innovation-related assumptions are mapped, key uncertainties are identified and focus for future research activities are set. In follow-up sessions, the initial assumptions are, in dialogue with the entrepreneur,– updated by changing its status. This innovation management framework is being developed in a digital tool to better – and systematically – use this approach in Living Lab Projects

