EU-MACS Coordinator: Prof. Adriaan Perrels, [email protected]
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Imagining the climate service journey – the steps through which the users of the service will go through when using the service developed, formed the basis for the pilot. The steps were divided into separate sessions simulating the activities that the users would be performing if they were using the service, allowing users to experience the process in the form of a workshop. Each step provided the necessary information required and tasked the participants to perform the activities in the process. The simulation involved a real-life challenge presented by the municipality of Helsinki, allowing the participants to work on an existing challenge while trying out the process.

At the end of the workshop, a feedback matrix was distributed indicating each part of the process and questions underneath each, requesting both positive and negative feedback on the phase, ideas and comments as well as feedback on the way that the pilot was conducted. The findings from the feedback form provided crucial information to the team about the phases that were found most useful and important by participants, and those which need further attention and improvement. This pilot study is to be followed up by other pilot studies as the process and study itself are still subject to improvement.

See the different phases of the prototype here, and read the feedback collected on the process & pilot here.

