EU-MACS Coordinator: Prof. Adriaan Perrels, [email protected]
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Many types of tourism are weather dependent and by extension, climate dependent. It is therefore very likely that climate change will affect your business area sooner or later. Climate change can reduce snow cover, increase and prolong heat waves or change the patterns of annual rainfall for example. Climate change is a relatively slow process, so perhaps in your region, the changes are not so obvious in the short run; yet, in that case, the effects may be strong in neighboring or competing areas and thereby still influence your business area.

The effects of climate change on your business area can be manifold, and be both negative and positive. If you are unprepared your organization may suffer from the negative effects, while being unable to benefit from possible positive effects. Next to climate change also climate variability (e.g. variably cold and tepid winters) is important for many types of tourism, while climate change can make the variability more extreme.

For many countries and regions in Europe studies have already been conducted, e.g. regarding heat waves, reduction of snow cover, extreme rainfall, drought, etc. You can inquire with your municipality, region, or sector organization what kind of information is already available.

Some sources for additional information:
“Climate change impacts in Europe” by European Environmental Agency
“Climate Change: Implications for Tourism” by the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and the Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS)
”How will climate change affect tourism flows in Europe – Adaptation options for beach and ski tourists assessed by ToPDAd models” by the European ToPDad project

Scientific publications:
Damm, A., Greuell, W., Landgren, O. and Prettenthaler, F. (2016). Impacts of +2 °C global warming on winter tourism demand in Europe. Climate Services 7:31–46. URL:
Grillakis, M.G., Koutroulis, A.G., Seiradakis, K.D. and Tsanis, I.K. (2016). Implications of 2 °C global warming in European summer tourism. Climate Services 1:30–38.
Rutty, M. and Scott, D. (2010): Will the Mediterranean Become “Too Hot” for Tourism? A Reassessment, Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development, 7:3, 267-281
Steiger, R. (2010). The impact of climate change on ski season length and snowmaking requirements in Tyrol, Austria. Climate Research 43:251–262.
Tervo-Kankare, K. (2011): The Consideration of Climate Change at the Tourism Destination Level in Finland: Coordinated Collaboration or Talk about Weather?, Tourism Planning & Development, 8:4, 399-414
Toeglhofer, C., Eigner, F. and Prettenthaler, F. (2011). Impacts of snow conditions on tourism demand in Austrian ski areas. Climate Research 46:1–14.



