EU-MACS Coordinator: Prof. Adriaan Perrels, [email protected]
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Climate services can support in anticipating and adapting to both climate change and short-term climate variability. They can also be further refined and used to generate valuable services to other users groups, such as the tourists themselves.

The tourism sector is highly weather and climate sensitive. Managing climate risks successfully provides an opportunity for businesses in the sector. Climate services can help in guiding investments and planning operations. A ski resort operator may assess whether and where to invest in new ski lifts or prepare for a growing role of year-round tourism. Climate services in the form of seasonal forecasts can support in the planning of artificial snow making or snow storages. Successful use of climate services for these purposes is already happening around the world.

Customized climate services are tailored to specific needs and destinations. Compared to generic study results, a higher spatial and temporal resolution of climate data can be used. In addition, business and region specific information can be taken into account in the modelling and analysis. For ski resorts, for instance, individual snowmaking capacities and snowmaking strategies can be implemented in tailored snow simulations as well as individual options for action can be assessed (e.g. expansion of snowmaking capacities, dimensioning of water reservoirs, shut down parts of a ski resort, etc.). Thus, the information is more accurate for the specific context than generic climate change impact studies.

