EU-MACS Coordinator: Prof. Adriaan Perrels, [email protected]

Finnish Meteorological Institute

FMI | Finland

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The Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) is a research and service agency under the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Finland. It produces weather and marine forecasts and services for the needs of safety, transport, the economy and citizens and conducts scientific research within the field of atmospheric sciences and related fields including the use and development of climate services and socio-economic impacts of weather and climate. To support its work, FMI acquires and maintains reliable information and archives on the physical state and chemical composition of the atmosphere and of the seas, as well as their impacts on the various sectors of Finnish society and internationally. FMI combines its know-how into commercial and non-commercial consultancy and development services in Finland and abroad, notably regarding issues pertaining to the environment, the transport sectors, and generic weather related security.

Contributions in this study will come in particular from the Climate Service Centre, in which capabilities for climate change impact analysis, hazard economics, socioeconomic evaluation of weather, early warning and climate services, and climate portal service development are located. Experts of this unit have conducted socioeconomic evaluations of the effects and effectiveness of weather and climate services to society in Finland and abroad. In addition to the Climate Service Centre personnel, FMI can utilize the expertise of its meteorology and climatology specialists across the organization as well as the high competence and capabilities of FMI’s communications function. FMI has multi-year experience in cooperation with the focus sectors of EU-MACS (finance, tourism, urban planning) regarding adaptation research and development and provision of climate and weather services.


Role in Project

FMI brings multidisciplinary expertise and experience to the project both as a provider of climate services and as a research institute. FMI is the coordinator of the project, and in that capacity it leads work package 6 (coordination, communication & dissemination) and WP7 (project management). FMI will contribute to WP1 (theory and methods) regarding development of collaborative market development approaches for WP2, WP3, and WP4, as well as regarding translating lessons from SC5-03 Part A project(s) into study relevant input. FMI will also lead WP5 that synthesizes the results of the project.

Principal Investigator

Adriaan Perrels

Adriaan Perrels is Research Professor in FMI. He is an economist with a long time experience in climate policy assessment, both in mitigation and adaptation studies. Before FMI he worked for 10 years for the Finnish VATT Government Institute for Economic Research, and earlier in the Netherlands for TNO, ECN, and the Free University Amsterdam, especially in energy and transport studies. Among his 150+ publications are over 30 peer reviewed articles and books. He is leading (multi-partner) socioeconomic evaluation studies regarding climate impact and adaptation and weather services at the national and international level.

Relevant Publications

Pilli-Sihvola, K., Nurmi, V., Perrels, A., Harjanne, A., Bösch, P., and Ciari, F. (2016), Innovations in weather services as a crucial building block for climate change adaptation in road transport, European Journal of Transport Infrastructure Research, Vol. 16, pp.150-173

Anderson, G., Kootval, H, Kull, D. (eds.). (2015). Valuing Weather and Climate: Economic Assessment of Meteorological and Hydrological Services, World Meteorological Organisation, Geneva (Perrels and Pilli-Sihvola contributing authors – notably in chapters 3, 4, 7, E.8 and E.10)

Harjanne, A., Ervasti, T. (2014), Analysis of user trends and behavior in online and mobile weather and climate services, FMI reports 2014:10,

Pilli-Sihvola, K., van Oort, B., Hanssen-Bauer I., Ollikainen M., Rummukainen M., Tuomenvirta H. (2014). Communication and use of climate scenarios for climate change adaptation in Finland, Sweden and Norway. Local Environment 20 (4), 510-524.

Perrels, A., Frei, Th., Espejo, F., Jamin, L., Thomalla, A. (2013), Socio-economic benefits of weather and climate services in Europe, Advances in Science & Research, 1, 1–6, 2013, doi:10.5194/asr-1-1-2013

Relevant previous projects and activities

FP7 ToPDaD (2012-2015) – Evaluating direct and induced economic effects of major climate change impacts on energy, transport and tourist sectors in Europe and a model representation toolset for regional DSS in adaptation planning – versatile system with much better bottom-up rooted sector and macro-economic assessments of direct and induced economic effects, including attention for spatial spillover of economic effects.

ELASTINEN (2015-2016) project provides information and seeks solutions for strengthening the capabilities of different sectors to assess and manage risks related to weather, climate, and economic impacts. The project also aims to decrease the vulnerability of Finnish society and increase its adaptive capacity to changing climate. Funding: Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities

NORDRESS (2015-2019) is a Centre of Excellence under the Social Security Programme of NordForsk. Its aim is to carry out multidisciplinary studies to enhance societal security and resilience to natural disasters. Partners from 15 institutions in all Nordic countries will join forces to increase the resilience of individuals, communities, infrastructure and institutions. The NordForsk Social Security Programme is funded by The Academy of Finland, The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB), The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS) AND NordForsk.

FP7 MOWE-IT (2012-2014) – Managing and attenuating disruptions in transport systems caused by adverse weather conditions, including aggravating effects of climate change; mapping out best practices and current and foreseen bottlenecks in prevention and attenuation of adverse weather induced disruptions in transport systems – in particular information sharing and hereto aiming effective incentive systems merit much more attention.

The CORE-CLIMAX project focuses on assuring the quality of the essential climate variables measured by satellites and determining their utilization rate. This information is critical for numerical weather prediction models; both in data assimilation, and in creating re-analyses. Global re-analyses will be compared to local re-analyses. The potential for utilizing the information mentioned above will be mapped by user surveys.

Relevant infrastructure:
FMI maintains an open data repository as part of its open data policy:

