Market research for a Climate Services Observatory
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The Institute for Innovation and Governance Studies (IGS) at the University of Twente conducts research in the field of the governance and management of technological and social innovation. A relevant share of IGS’ research focuses on university-industry knowledge interactions in new and emerging science and technology, the legal and policy governance of public research, and evolving research and innovation ‘regimes’ of universities, business and government.
The Department of Science, Technology and Policy Studies (STePS, one of the departments concurring to IGS) is one of the leading European research centers in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies (STIS). It takes the assessment and governance of innovations and emerging technologies as its central theme of research and teaching. It has developed the Constructive Technology Assessment (CTA) methodology. As such, it links analytical and normative perspectives in considering not only technological innovations but also innovations in governance.
UT is co-leader of WP1 (with HZG Gerics) on researching climate service markets in multi-layer and informational innovation contexts and WP5 (FMI) on policy implications and recommendations. UT will contribute to WP2-4 and 6 content-wise regarding the governance of information infrastructure, strategic niche management, and multi-layer innovation dynamics, as well as regarding Constructive Technology Assessment (CTA) methodology to WP 2-4. The specific competence of the UT partners lays in the fruitful application of conceptual and methodological heuristics, developed in Twente: multi-layer perspective (MLP), Strategic Niche Management (SNM), Constructive Technology Assessment (CTA), and the governance of (a) information infrastructures and (b) socio-technical regime change. This allows for positioning and tracing market developments, user-producer relationships, technical, as well as of political and economic aspects of on system, institutional/organisational and practice levels. The Responsibility Navigator can be seen as a quality assurance tool that keeps the implementation of (new) climate services acceptable for society.
Peter Stegmaier is an Assistant Professor of Policy Analysis since 2009. His current research is focusing on the patterns and dynamics in the deliberate governance of discontinuation of socio-technical systems (2012-2016). He studied sociology, social psychology, law, and economics at the University of Munich and at Goldsmiths‘ College in London. Formerly he was a researcher and lecturer at the Universities of Dortmund, Hagen and Düsseldorf, carrying out at the latter two the project ‘Law as a social practice—from everyday legal methods to a legal methodology for everyday work’ (2000–2004). He worked at the University of Bochum on public security institutions (2004–2006), and at the Centre for Society and Genomics, University of Nijmegen, NL, on science governance in action (2007-2009). Here, he investigated how “society and genomics” research, education and dialogue activities (‘ELSA’ for ethical, legal, social aspects) in the Netherlands and in the United Kingdom gets institutionalized and legitimized.
De Visser, M., Faems, D., Visscher, K., & P.C. De Weerd-Nederhof (2014), ‘The impact of cognitive styles on performance of radical and incremental NPD projects’, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31(6), 1167-1180
Faems, D., Visscher, K., & F. Lamers (2011), ‘Exploration patterns in fast growing entrepreneurial firms: A multiple case study in the internet technology industry’, in: Cassia, L., Minola, T. & S. Paleari (eds.) Entrepreneurship and technological change, Edward Elgar Publishing
Stegmaier, P., Kuhlmann, S., & Visser, V. R. (2014). The Discontinuation of Socio-Technical Systems as Governance Problem. In S. Borrás & J. Edler (Eds.), Governance of Systems Change (pp. 111-131). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Stegmaier, P. (2009). The rock ‘n’ roll of knowledge co-production. EMBO reports, 10(2), 114-119.
Hoppe, T., Vegt, A. v. d., & Stegmaier, P. (2016). Understanding local climate change capacity: lessons from comparison of four municipalities (submitted to ‘Sustainability’ for review)
Res-AGorA – Responsible Research and Innovation in a Distributed Anticipatory Governance Frame. A Constructive Socio-normative Approach” SIS-2012-1 project 321427;
RIF – Research and Innovation Futures 2030: From explorative to transformative scenarios” FP7 SIS-2011-1 project 289058;
VERA – Forward Visions on the European Research Area FP7-SSH-2011-3 project 290705
Envisioning a viable future for ELSA genomics research (Center for Society and Genomics, project funded by the Netherlands Genomics Initiative/NGI 2007-2009)
Translating Institutions. Digitization of Administrative Data Assets as Redesign of the Modernist State, Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF), FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IEF
Relevant instruments:
The CTA toolbox: This CTA toolbox aims at assisting technical scientists who are interested in applying TA activities to their research, but are not sure which methods they could use. By creating a systematic overview of various CTA methods we aim to help clarifying which approaches could be employed for a certain project and what is feasible. Here, the various techniques should be characterized with respect to a number of variables, such as the overall duration of such an exercise, the sort of actors involved, and the form of support needed from social scientists. Applications for market and user horizon scanning are also possible. (
The Res-AGorA Responsibility Navigator: Research and innovation activities need to become more responsive to societal challenges and concerns. The Responsibility Navigator, developed in the Res-AGorA project, supports decision-makers to govern such activities towards more conscious responsibility. What is considered “responsible” will always be defined differently by different actor groups in research, innovation, and society. The Navigator is designed to facilitate related debate, negotiation and learning in a constructive and productive way. It supports the identification, development and implementation of measures and procedures that can transform research and innovation in such a way that responsibility becomes an institutionalized ambition. (